Roppongi | Projects
Tomoki Furuhata
“Automatic works”
February 20 (Sat), - March 20 (Sat), 2021
GALLERY MoMo Projects is pleased to present a solo exhibition of Tomoki Furuhata entitled Automatic works from Saturday, February 20th through Saturday, March 20th. This solo exhibition will consist of his new paintings from an Automatic series that uses CNC system that Furuhata had created.
In a frame series that is his first series, he attempted to visualize the parts that usually cannot see or should not represent by bringing the stretchers of paintings that are supposed to be hidden and covered with the canvas to the front. In the early series of “broken drops”, Furuhata depicts the abstract traces made by putting the acrylics on canvas and spreading them with an iron plate. This is experimental series for him to understand the paints. After the broken drops series, Furuhata started to work on new series, named “finder”. The forms he shows in the series are a result of the accidents by tools, materials, and his expectations. Furuhata said that the process was just phenomenal. Using canvas for this series instead of a panel, the deflections of canvas bring more contingency even though the process is the same as the “broken drops” series.
In this manner, Furhata has tried to create paintings that visualize invisible both in everyday life and his works. In addition, he emphasizes the contingency and uncertainty that came out of the materials of the works. Retaining the concept by using a computer that is also familiar with many people but not many can see the insight, he has created the new series. Furuhata created a machine called CNC that can automatically eject paints by programming while reciprocating. Like weaving on an automatic loom, the machine produces abstract paintings. Although the paints are regularly accumulated and it becomes three-dimensional, the paints accidentally drop, which makes the mechanical paintings feel artificial warmth.,
Furuhata intends to show a larger structure of paintings by composing this exhibition with these three series that express paints as a phenomenon and paintings as objects.
Tomoki Furuhata was born in Nagano in 1986 and received his MA in Aichi University of the Arts and Music in 2011. After joined some group exhibitions in Nagoya, Furuhata moved his base Toride. In 3331 ART FAIR at 3331 Art Chiyoda, he was selected the prize of judge in 2014.
Artist Comment
I have expressed what is invisible and what is hidden. The “Automatic” series is works that use a piece of equipment that I had produced over the years. I studied and did fieldwork in various areas, which are mainly industry, that I had never been involved in before. I took a long time to do this because I wanted to understand what shaped my life. For example, we can use computers without understanding how they work. However, we cannot see the mechanism unless we try to see it.
I created this series automatically by a device called CNC, which means Computer Numerical Control. I’m saying “automatically”, but I took years to make the prototypes and experiments, and also it takes time to adjust paints and canvases when I create the works. I send the programing data to dedicated software and controlled motor based on the data to form the two-dimension or three-dimension. This has a device that fills the cylinder with paints and discharges it by air pressure. In the series, I use a thin nozzle to eject paints and laminated them. It is difficult to reproduce the high degree of repeatability by only hands when it uniforms the accumulated straight line with the paints. The thick lines on the series emphasize the material of works. The lines cast shadows on canvas, and it is important to see them from various angles not only see them in front of works. The physical phenomenon of paints constitutes the space as an element of the works. In the sense that every living space composes of industrial products, I think my works exist in harmony with the place.
Everything created is made with the hands of many people and a huge amount of time. We live in such things. In the “Automatic” series, I attempt to express things that we feel familiar with but are invisible or hidden.
Tomoki Furuhata, 2021